Publisher's Synopsis
"A Touch of Love from Earth to Heavens' Island" "Memories in Imaginary Time," is a spiritual journey within the mind. Thought is the designer of our personal experience. A quiet mind enters a spiritual and mystical place. The vehicle of transportation is the spiritual body. Transcendent situations occur in memory and in places between earth and a vast domain of conscious awareness. We wonder, what is real? Reflection into the past and future leads to the Sacred Light of understanding. This reflection or mirror image of the self arouses Holy inspiration and reflects Divine Light into a sphere of darkness. The mind determines our reality; therefore, nothing is real or unreal. We gain access to the dimensions of consciousness through meditation, and imagery. Learn of the higher levels of consciousness through Holy inspiration. Ask for Divine Guidance and enter this realm of love and compassion. This is where dreams materialize into tangible substance within the mind. Inspiration is limitless in this place of universal consciousness. All are one in the mind of the Creator. Heavens Island is a place that exists in imaginary time. The earliest story of Heavens' Island was handwritten in 1961. It remained dormant, in an old notebook, for approximately sixty years. This original account of "From Earth to Heavens' Island" continues but is expanded to include information, research, and experience in the collective universal mind. Everything is occurring in the moment. Eternity is now.