Human Cloning

Human Cloning

Paperback (12 Oct 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This 7000 word booklet begins with a brief introduction to the field and theory of human genetics. The DNA inside a cell in the form of chromosomes that contain all the genes that make us into who we are. Then how it works with the sperm and the egg in normal reproduction but with cloning how the embryo is prepared. It will be then carried by a surrogate in her uterus until the baby clone is born.The book describes three types of clones that will probably be in common use someday. Comatose clones have most of their brains inactivated in the embryo so it will just lay in a comatose state until it needs to be sacrificed for spare parts. Another type of clone is the robotic clone which has most of the brain and can function somewhat but without the higher portions of the human ego. The third type of clone is the intact brain clone. It is a complete person and will not be killed for parts or used in any way. It will have its own free will and make all its own choices for its life.This book is a basic description of the field of cloning. It is complex in a way, but the material is presented plainly and clearly and fairly understandable for the non-scientist to understand. There is some mention of the morality, the legality, and the sexuality of cloning. This is a basic introduction to the theory of cloning.

Book information

ISBN: 9781699323779
Publisher: Independently Published
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 44
Weight: 73g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 2mm