Publisher's Synopsis
What if you could reduce or avoid expensive pharmaceutical medicines, feel better, and "outsmart Diabetes" with seven "common sense" ways? What if you added ten more easy approaches to make you feel healthier? Do you struggle with diabetes to control blood sugars? I've had diabetes now for sixty years, and I know from my own experience that "it's not as easy as it looks." The first thirty years were much more complicated than the last thirty because I've learned from the "school of hard knocks," medical research and the wisdom of God how to outsmart diabetes.
From my first book, "The Way of Wisdom for Diabetes," one reviewer said, "The first book that has really been helpful in my 30 year battle with diabetes." Now in this book, you will learn these seven essential ways . . .
- Exercise after each meal,
- Eat fewer carbohydrates and more protein,
- Practice gratitude,
- Sleep well each night,
- Stay hydrated,
- Continually keep track of blood glucose,
- Take advantage of opportunities to help others.
This book is about making needed lifestyle changes easier using 17 wise "common sense" ways. I'm a survivor of diabetes for sixty years. For twenty-five years, I've facilitated hospital and community diabetes support groups, doing monthly educational seminars. I was awarded ten years ago, the 50-Year Medal for Diabetes Management by the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston. The Joslin Diabetes Center is affiliated with Harvard Medical School. I am a participant in their medical research study of medalists, which is discovering protective factors to prevent complications in those with diabetes like kidney damage! This book applies to both those with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes because it is about lifestyle. Included in this book are the resources of God's wisdom - the Bible, medical research, and uplifting, informative stories that will motivate you to practice these approaches!
By using these 17 wise ways for more than thirty years, I've maintained an A1c of 5.9 - 6.3 with only a few exceptions (like ten years ago my A1c was checked at 6.7).* The reason I mention this is to reinforce how beneficial and useful these wise "common sense" guidelines are. Start reading; healthier and happier days will be in your future!
(*What should your blood glucose average be? American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists endorses 140 or less, which is an A1c of 6.5 percent or less. American Diabetes Association suggests 7.0 percent or less, which is 154 average. A normal non-diabetic A1c is considered 5.6 percent or less.)
If you've had enough of the bad news, then get my book "7 Biblical Ways for Healthy Living." You will read one uplifting example after another that will give you a shot in your life's arm of encouragement. Each chapter begins with challenges we face for healthy living, followed by stories that overcome those challenges. Simple ways or prescriptions to daily implement close each chapter. So, if you need more hope and encouragement for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, get this book! My other book you will not want to miss is The Way of Wisdom for Diabetes! This book includes the history of Diabetes management from 1914 to today. You will learn about the discovery of insulin in 1921 by Dr. Frederick Banting and Charles Best. Read the exciting stories of how insulin saved young people's lives in just the nick of time. Be encouraged by how they overcame unbelievable challenges and went on to live good lives!