Publisher's Synopsis
"Sandra Gardner combines drama, comedy, and tragedy in a riveting tale of friendship, deception, and betrayal." -Judith Lechner, author of The Moon Sings Back
After many years, a serial killer of young women is back again in upstate New York. Philomena Wolff, the host of a crime-solving blog, a psychic gravedigger, and her blog readers are determined to stop him-no matter the danger.
Philomena Wolff was 17, walking home from school with her best friend, when her friend disappeared, ending up as one of several young women abducted and murdered in upstate New York by a clever killer who eventually disappeared from the area.
Philomena was terrified that the man caught a glimpse of her when he took her friend. Many years later, young women have been ending up dead again.
Philomena, now an investigative reporter, hosts a crime-solving blog, "Who Killed Who?" With the help of her friend, a psychic gravedigger, her friend's boyfriend, a P.I., and the blog's readers, Philomena is on a mission to hunt the killer down. Her blog readers are with her, but so is the killer, posting vile notes and vicious threats on the blog.
Could the killer be the same one who murdered her friend long ago, trolling for more young women-and Philomena?