China Strike

China Strike An ICE Thriller - An ICE Thriller

eBook (11 Jul 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

On an ordinary summer day, chaos erupts across the globe when thousands of cars simultaneously speed out of control in the United States and Europe. The death toll is enormous, and there is only one thing connecting the crashes--every single car is the same model. Amidst the bewilderment of the tragedy, ICE Special Agent Dominic Verrazzano is called to the Brooklyn Detention Center, where Tom Frisch, recently arrested for attempting to assassinate a U.N. President, claims to have knowledge about the mastermind behind the crashes. This is just the tip of the iceberg, and an even bigger catastrophe, involving many more motor companies, is already in the works.Verrazzano has no choice but to take Frisch with him as he tracks down an enemy that both men know far too well--their old Special Forces commander and father figure. Following leads that take them from New York to Detroit and on to Europe, Verrazzano finally lands in a confrontation that unravels a secret even more sinister than he could have expected.Relentless and enthralling, Matt Rees's second Dominic Verrazzano thriller The Seventh Threat takes readers on a high-speed pursuit that spans countries and oceans.

Book information

ISBN: 9781683311362
Publisher: Crooked Lane Books
Imprint: Crooked Lane Books
Pub date:
Number of pages: 320
Weight: -1g