Publisher's Synopsis
Teaching your kids how to collaborate and how to communicate with others effectively is a key to their future success, this journal with funny yeti cartoon, allow you as a parent to build self-confidence in your child, and also:
- Promotes Gratitude Practice: Keeping a gratitude journal is one of the most well-established happiness practices and the easiest to do.
- Fosters a Growth Mindset: This is a term introduced by Prof Carol Dweck and a concept that many schools are now introducing as a way to support a positive learning mindset.
- Encourages Kindness: Studies with children show that behaviour leading to the enhanced welfare of others promotes increased physical and mental wellbeing.
- Advocates Mindfulness: Mindfulness, or the ability to stay in the moment, has been linked through numerous studies to psychological and physical wellbeing.
- Supports Self-awareness: Diversity of emotional experience is scientifically linked to happiness and dispels the myth that happiness equals a perpetual state of positive emotion. Cultivating self-awareness and allowing children to show true emotions is therefore beneficial.