Publisher's Synopsis
Book 1 details the exploits of a small group of GIs as they face the pressures and demands of fighting a changing/disappearing enemy. They are plagued with dwindling support, disaffection of the American public, confused/double-talking politicians, and power struggles within the entire governmental effort. The novel surveillance and tunnel exploration methods introduced in this book set the tone for additional books and illustrate how common sense can often triumph.
Book 2 takes our team to the next level by adding long-term sniper training for ultimately all bases with novel surveillance techniques and equipment (definitely a must-read). The additional thrills of POW rescues in very contested encounters.
Book 3 introduces the final strategy to try to conquer the Vietnam peninsula and its people. The construction of new bases six miles apart the length of the DMZ is defended. The tense, destructive Tet Offensive occurs, and my men are immersed in the conflicts and aftermath. The book finalizes, summarizes, and covers the last successful POW rescues deep in the interior. The ultimate effect is a losing strategy and leaving our allies in enemy hands. It results in millions dying in Vietnam and Cambodia, renaming the capital, and the killing fields of Cambodia under Pol Pot. This book is dedicated to their memories. Read on!
Edge III Book III in the Vietnam Trilogy takes you through the remaining years of the Police Action. I honestly would not acknowledge peace/withdrawal with honor every occurred! The corrupt politicians, press, and yes heads of the military betrayed our boys, POW's, and Vietnamese people. My last book III touches on the craziness while going through "Tet" and the last official POW rescues my men pulled off. Understand my books are fiction novels how could anyone believe this could really have happened God Bless you and Read On I would love your thoughts, comments, suggestions good or bad on my writing and my books. [email protected]:
Current books in Print or Progress: READ ON!
Edge I Book I
Edge II Book II
Edge III Book III
Terror on the High Seas Book I
Terror on the High Seas Revisited Book II
High Seas Adventure Book III
Axis of Evil- Book IV Feast for Hyenas WTC Calamity or Chaos?
Axis of Evil-Payback (Comeback from Exile)-in progress!
Fall of Great America (political emergency)-in progress!