American Awakening

American Awakening Identity Politics and Other Afflictions of Our Time

First American edition

eBook (01 Jan 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"We are living in the midst of an American Awakening, without God and without forgiveness. The first two Awakenings brought religious renewal; the third-the social gospel movement and its aftermath (1880-1910)-invoked the authority of religion to bring about political and social transformation, but lost sight of Christianity along the way. The Awakening through which we are now living comprehends politics through the categories of religion without recognizing it, has no place for the God who judges or the God who forgives, and has brought America to a dead end, beyond which no one can see. Identity politics renders judgment not based on sins of omission and commission, but on the publicly visible, unalterable, attributes that precede whatever citizens might do or leave undone. Identity politics offers no forgiveness for transgressions, because they are irredeemable. Liberal politics was once concerned with working together to build a co

Book information

ISBN: 9781641771313
Publisher: Encounter Books
Imprint: Encounter Books
Pub date:
Edition: First American edition
DEWEY: 306.20973
DEWEY edition: 23
Weight: -1g