Small Sparkling Raindrop (Start Small, Think Big #5)

Small Sparkling Raindrop (Start Small, Think Big #5) - Start Small, Think Big

Hardback (04 Mar 2025)

  • $15.68

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Publisher's Synopsis

Follow a small sparkling raindrop falling from a cloud and learn about the journey it takes and the contribution it makes to the ecosystems of our mountains, rivers, and seas

Start Small, Think Big is a series that sets readers on a journey of discovery, beginning from the small and familiar to new areas of knowledge where you really have to think big! Small Sparkling Raindrop starts with a raindrop falling from a cloud, the beginning of its journey to the sea. It lands on a mountainside in southeast Asia and rolls down the mountain to join the mighty Mekong River. This is the story of the water cycle and other key elementary-grade science topics, including its impact on the land and how vital it is for all living things on Earth. Thinking big, the book shows why clean, healthy rivers are vital for people and wildlife, including the critically endangered Irawaddy dolphin threatened by overfishing and pollution. A big fold-out map shows the major rivers of the world, an illustrated water cycle, and there's an I-Spy game to take children back into the book to further deepen the learning experience.

Book information

ISBN: 9781636551432
Publisher: Red Comet Press
Imprint: Red Comet Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 28
Weight: -1g
Height: 235mm
Width: 235mm