The Naked Restaurateur

The Naked Restaurateur

Paperback (01 May 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Naked Restaurateur: In this first edition of The Naked Restaurateur, Michael Carroll draws off decades of experience in the restaurant insurance business to tell a series of tales - sad but true - that demonstrate how insurance generalists are not equipped to design policies to properly protect restaurant owners. It's not because they don't mean well; it's because restaurants are subject to their own unique - and sometimes devastating - risks. In The Naked Restaurateur, Michael Carroll shares with his readers not only how they can protect themselves against the fatal gaps that can devastate their lives, but do so without the burden of heavy premiums.

Book information

ISBN: 9781626206786
Publisher: Naoccr, LLC
Imprint: Naoccr, LLC
Pub date:
Weight: -1g