How Should Men Lead Their Families?

How Should Men Lead Their Families? - Cultivating Biblical Godliness

Paperback (11 Dec 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

God's Word teaches us that Jesus Christ was ordained by God and anointed by the Spirit for His work as prophet, priest, and king of His children. Those who are in union with Him share His offices in a limited but important way. In this booklet, Joel Beeke explains how husbands and fathers should lead their families as prophets, priests, and kings. Filled with biblical wisdom and practical application, How Should Men Lead Their Families? is a helpful guide for men who desire to bear the image of the Father of glory and of the heavenly Husband as they lead, teach, love, evangelize, protect, and rule over their wives and children.

Book information

ISBN: 9781601783653
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Imprint: Reformation Heritage Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 68g
Height: 183mm
Width: 112mm
Spine width: 15mm