It's Called Work for a Reason!

It's Called Work for a Reason! Your Success Is Your Own Damn Fault

Paperback (27 Dec 2007)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Most business books on the market today stroke people's egos by telling them what they want to hear and by reinforcing what they already know. Larry Winget makes the case that poor results in the workplace are caused by apathy and poor performance. He points the finger of blame exactly where it needs to be pointed: the face of the reader.

Book information

ISBN: 9781592402816
Publisher: Penguin Random House Group
Imprint: Gotham Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 650.1
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 256
Weight: 216g
Height: 202mm
Width: 135mm
Spine width: 18mm