Slinky Malinki, Open the Door

Slinky Malinki, Open the Door

Paperback (01 May 2006)

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Paperback (26 Jan 1995) RRP $10.08 $9.82

Publisher's Synopsis

"Slinky Malinki and Stickybeak Syd were a troublesome pair; do you know what they did? Alone in the house one mischievous day, they opened a door and they started to play." Room by room, the terrible twosome wreak havoc...until they decide to see what's behind that last door.Slinky Malinki's curiosity finally gets the best of him.Collect all the Slinky Malinki books!

Book information

ISBN: 9781582461762
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
Imprint: Tricycle Press
Pub date:
DEWEY edition: 22
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 100g
Height: 171mm
Width: 195mm
Spine width: 4mm