Publisher's Synopsis
In 2016, Holly Gibbons and Linda Henderson opened Porch Music Store in Franklin following 5 years of building canjos and other folk instruments and selling in other outlets. This book is third in a series of Canjo songbooks. "The Canjo Music Book" was published in 2014, "Can You Canjo" in 2015. Instructional videos can be found on The single string canjo is one of the easiest instruments to learn to play. Our books feature a play by number approach. The advanced player will find opportunity for improvisation, as John demonstrates in the accompanying online videos. The songs in this book have a long history in folk music tradition and are perfect for playing on the handmade canjo. We've included 39 songs not included in previous volumes arranged by John to play on our Porch Music Store canjo. These arrangements can also be played on the mountain dulcimer or strumstick. In the tradition of folk music, we encourage you to find ways to make the song your own, change up the words, add new ones, then share them with friends and family.