Publisher's Synopsis
Have you ever experienced this situation: You start an online business (even an off-line one) and get everything up and ready to go to start selling your product or service and then realize nobody is beating down a path to your door, hungry for what you have to offer them. You wait a month, telling yourself the lie that 'if you build it they will come' and nobody comes. You wait a year and still only a few customers, probably ones you twisted their arm or dripped a sales message on them for, well, an entire year, before they finally came out of guilt or to shut you up. What's wrong with this picture? Why doesn't anybody take you seriously? Why isn't anybody as excited as you are about your product or service? Another year goes bye, still nothing? In another year, you'll be like most startups-finished. Out of business for good, looking for another job, and worried about having spent your life savings and future retirement income on a pipe-dream. What would make this never happen? Building and audience would definitely had helped. That's what this book is all about. Before you start reading too much into this introduction though, let me say that there is a lot more opportunity than you may think, as it pertains to building an audience. For instance, I have a friend who built a YouTube channel with over 25,000 subscribers and now generates a healthy passive income from having built an audience. The channel affords him the opportunity to travel around the world, shooting videos, and loving life. He doesn't work in the traditional sense of the word. I have another friend who started an online business who took to social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) and created an audience around her Etsy store, where she sells these really amazing kid hats. Her audience loves her concept, her unique brand, and it was her loving customers, i.e. her audience that has allowed her to remain a stay-at-home mom, where even her construction worker husband has been able to quit his job and contribute to their home-based business. In her town, people know her as the Etsy Queen. Were you to visit, you would see the kids wearing her amazing hats, loving them and loving her for having made them. This all may seem a little over the top. Sure. But, let me share my own story with you. I was at the top of my game in the professional world of selling. I had sold Yellow Pages advertisements for years and decided to give it up. I did, without knowing what I wanted to do to take its place. I started a blog. I freely gave away my sales secrets, knowledge of conversational hypnosis and NLP, and tons more value. One person asked that I compile all my blog posts into a book. I did. Then I started building an email list, then a YouTube channel, and my audience has since grown into the thousands, and year after year sales have grown exponentially. I have since authored well over 400 books and put together hundreds of courses and workshops. I've trained thousands of people all over the world and owe it all to the audience I've built around my brand. The rest of the story begins with you. How are you going to build an audience and to what degree will you utilize this audience to help you and your success. That's what this book is going to teach you. You'll learn techniques-sure-though you'll learn a lot more than merely the techniques, you'll learn how to really think in the direction of building an audience. In a way, you'll come to some type of fame, right (?), as you'll be mastering showmanship and authenticity around the vision and dream you have of growing a business or some type of organization or something-you name it what you will. At once, when you have an audience you'll discover a little known secret; namely: eventually the audience begins to grow itself. I'll prove it. Grab Your Copy Now!