Publisher's Synopsis
Stress Management: How to Deal with Stress and Anxiety
Let's face it. No matter how much we try to act like we are all perfect, the sad truth is that we're not. We all have our battles that we fight through on a regular basis. So that just leaves one question: What can we do about it?
Some people have absolutely no problem handling their issues. When something comes up, they just deal with it head on without any complications. Does this sound like you? If so, then I'm sorry to say that this book is not for you.
However, if you are a person who has a hard time managing your emotions whether it be a fear, obsession, or even just stress, then I want you to pay close attention.
I am about to change your life. This book it is full with a lot of self-help tips that you can use to make your life much more enjoyable. No more running from your fears, and no more acting like they don't exist. The time has come to make a positive change in your life.
There is a theoretical framework that is commonly referred to the humans givens approach. Simply put, the approach says that people like me and you have needs. We have things that we want and other things that we would do just about anything to get. We came into this world with this mindset, and it will never change.
As long as we get those things that we are wanting or needing, then we will be happy. We will have no reason to ever be stressed, sad, envious or any negative emotion that falls within those same lines. Essentially, it will just be impossible.
That is the first part. There is also another piece to this theory. However, that is perfectly fine because with these so called needs come something else. Yes, we are born being needy, but, we are also born with an ability or even an instinct that could help us to achieve those needs that we were born with. We have to use that skill, or it could be detrimental to our mental health.
Now, let's put it all together. So, the human givens approach says this: as long as your needs are being fulfilled, and you are reaching your full potential, then you will not have any problems in life. Your environment will just not allow it. Call it a yin and yang type situation. The two live together in harmony; however, if one thing gets off then the whole system fails.
The same can be said for your mental health or stress management. If one of the two pieces of the puzzle is not right, then you will be unhappy. That is where this book comes in.
Reading this book will change the the way you manage stressful situations and anxiety:
- The Human Givens Approach.
- What is stress and how to manage stress or anxiety.
- Realize that stress is a choice.
- Learn how to say the word, No!."
- Start writing down everything that you have going on and make a to-do list.
- Find something to do that can take your mind off of the stress.
- Make sure that you keep a well-balanced diet.
- Now what exactly is an obsession?
- Think rationally.
- Distract yourself from whatever it is that you are obsessing over.
- Find someone who went through something similar.
- What is it about a trauma that makes it so difficult to handle?
- So much, much more information in this book.
Who this book is for:
- People who have problems with stress management in their lives.
- Those who have gone through a difficult moment and became stressed with harmful things.
- Want to learn how to manage anxiety or stress.
- Those who want to learn more about the cause and effect of stress.