Publisher's Synopsis
Read the first 3 chapters free at: http: // From the author of and founder of the Solar Institute, this 15th title is the brainchild of more than 60 remote viewing sessions of the stock market. This book includes explanations of the physics behind associative remote viewing and includes herbs, essential oils and binaural tone frequencies that enhance remote viewing. Presented in an accessible, logical and artful manner, this unprecedented guide includes reviewed links to brainwave MP3's that you can download to enhance your RV skills. Everyone has a degree of psychic ability, learn to explore and enjoy using that gift by mind journeying to distant places in time and space. Gain this power through this book. Remote Viewing is more than just a means of gathering information, the next step in remote viewing is associative remote viewing. This book is the only first authentic, complete and informative guide to associative remote viewing techniques published to date. This guide has been adapted for beginners and advanced students alike. This extraordinarily book teaches you how to teach yourself. A rare resource rich in comments, papers and resources, learn to create your own future by how you think about your future. Total Number of pages 361. Number of Chapters: 29 Partial Listing of Contents What is the difference between remote viewing and associative remote viewing? Photons that Exceed the Speed of Light Using Quantum Tunneling to receive messages from the Future Emotions coming Back from the Future The Heart Reacts to Future Events 2012 Scientific Discovery confirms Time Reversal Symmetry Exists Intention Transcending Time Sending Intentions Backwards through Time Forgiveness and Time Reversal Symmetry Sending Healing Energy to the Past Sending Healing Energy to the Future Ophiuchus is the constellation that rises in the east at 13:30LST Meaning of the star Rasalhauge The Star Arcturus Cycles of Cosmic Ray activity enhance Remote Viewing What is Time Dilation? Time and Its Effects Vary With Solar Activity Cerenkov Radiation. Photons exceeding the speed of light. Pressure Waves and Going Faster than Light Perception Creates our Experience of the Flow of Time A Documented Account of Physical Time Travel into the Future The Human Nervous System Anticipates Events In The Future Negative Emotions Produce Stronger Wavelengths in Time Frequencies that Enhance the Results of Remote Viewing Binaural Beat Frequencies that Enhance Intuition Herbs and Essential Oils for Enhancing Remote Viewing Essential Oils that Enhance Remote Viewing Solar and Weather Conditions for Prime Associative Remote Viewing Sessions The Stars Vega and Polaris What is Redshift? Finding Your Intuitive Biorhythms What is Magnetic Midnight? Moon Phase Solar Wind Speed and ARV Accuracy Environmental conditions Conductive to Successful ARV Sessions Time and Gravity Stone Levitation, Wells and High Tides The Magnetic Fat Boy Boulders The 25% Anomaly and Gravity Moisture as a Medium for Conveying Information The Associative Remote Viewing Procedure Predicting the Average Close or High Locating the Date The Morning Before Your ARV Session Obtaining the Numerical Number the Dow will Close Obtaining the Future Strength of the Dow The Remote Viewing Envelope Technique Tips and Resources for Trading the Dow Jones Industrial Average Studies Involving Remote Viewing the Markets Seasons, Gravity and Time. Discoveries by the Astrophysicist Nikolai A. Kozyrev Earth's Ionosphere, the Frequency of the Future Paramagnetic Materials, Angular Momentum and the Density of Time Uses of Tungsten Density affects the rate at which time flows The Self Repeating Universe Natural Sources of Delta and Theta An in-depth study of 40Hz Gamma Waves References. Topological Geometrodynamics References. Gravity Waves during Solar Eclipses