Publisher's Synopsis
This book is dedicated to all beautiful women out there, who know, that we do not need a lot in order to maintain our beauty, just 10 - 20 minutes of our time and infinite desire to stay young and healthy for as long as we all naturally can.
In other words, this book is designed for all of you, who are willing to exercise your way to the youth. 4 - Step Quick & Easy Skin Training Exercises is divided into 4 groups, that are focused on 4 individual areas on your face, which can be easily defined by first signs of ageing: Neck & Chin, Cheeks, Eyes and Forehead. Each of those 4 groups consist of 4 different facial massage techniques that are design to help you easily adapt them into your daily live and immediately experience the benefits of facial massage. Moreover, detailed instructions and schematic illustrations will take you through every single exercise, so you can easily master all the natural secrets of making your skin look instantly younger.