Pastry-Making and Confectionery - Including the Art of Icing and Piping, Also Cakes, Buns, Fancy Biscuits, Sweetmeats, Etc

Pastry-Making and Confectionery - Including the Art of Icing and Piping, Also Cakes, Buns, Fancy Biscuits, Sweetmeats, Etc

eBook (15 Mar 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Vintage Cookery Books series hopes to bring old wisdom and classic techniques back to life, as we have so much to learn from 'the old ways' of cooking. Not only can these books provide a fascinating window into past societies, cultures and every-day life, but they also let us actively delve into our own history - with a taste of what, how and when, people ate, drank, and socialised.

Book information

ISBN: 9781528784603
Publisher: Read Books Ltd.
Imprint: Read Books Ltd.
Pub date:
Language: English
Weight: -1g