Ices, and How to Make Them - A Popular Treatise on Cream, Water, and Fancy Dessert Ices, Ice Puddings, Mousses, Parfaits, Granites, Cooling Cups, Punches, Etc.

Ices, and How to Make Them - A Popular Treatise on Cream, Water, and Fancy Dessert Ices, Ice Puddings, Mousses, Parfaits, Granites, Cooling Cups, Punches, Etc.

Paperback (12 Dec 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"Ices, and How to Make Them" is a vintage cook book focusing on creating a plethora of impressive and delicious ice-based desserts. From ice puddings and Mousses to Parfaits, Granites, and beyond, this profusely-illustrated collection of recipes will appeal to those looking to impress dinner guests or simply expand their confectionery repertoire. Contents include: "The Art of Ice Making", "Cream Ices", "Water Ices", "Sorbets, Granites, Punch, Etc.", "Parfaits, Mousses, and Soufflés", "Glaces Fantaisies (Fancy Ices)", "Cooling Cups, etc.", etc. Charles Herman Senn (1862 - 1934) was a German writer of cook books. He wrote profusely on the subject, producing cook books for all manner of people and situations, but was particularly well-known for his vegetarian and confectionery recipes. Other notable works by this author include: "Breakfast and Supper Dishes" (1898), "A book of Salads: The Art of Salad Dressing" (1922), and "British Red Cross Society Cookery Manual" (1915). The Vintage Cookery Books series hopes to bring old wisdom and classic techniques back to life, as we have so much to learn from 'the old ways' of cooking. Not only can these books provide a fascinating window into past societies, cultures and every-day life, but they also let us actively delve into our own history - with a taste of what, how and when, people ate, drank, and socialised.

Book information

ISBN: 9781528701976
Publisher: Read Books
Imprint: Vintage Cookery Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 116
Weight: 154g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 7mm