Green Is the New Black

Green Is the New Black Inside Australia's Hardest Women's Jails

Large type / large print edition

Paperback (10 Oct 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Ivan Milat, the notorious backpacker serial killer, is not the most feared person in the prison system. Nor is it Martin Bryant, the man responsible for claiming 35 lives in the Port Arthur massacre. No, the person in Australia controversially ruled 'too dangerous to be released', the one who needs chains, leather restraints and a full-time posse of guards is Rebecca Butterfield: a self-mutilating murderer, infamous for slicing guards and stabbing another inmate 33 times. But Butterfield is not alone. There's cannibal killer Katherine Knight, jilted man-murderer Kathy Yeo, jailbreak artist Lucy Dudko, and a host of others who will greet you inside the gates of Australia's hardest women's jails. You will meet drug dealers, rapists and fallen celebrities. You will hear tales of forbidden love, drug parties gone wrong and guards who trade 40-cent phone calls for sex. All will be revealed in Green Is the New Black, a comprehensive account o

Book information

ISBN: 9781525260827
Publisher: ReadHowYouWant
Imprint: Read How You Want
Pub date:
Edition: Large type / large print edition
Language: English
Number of pages: 350
Weight: -1g