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Sleep Mastery

Sleep Mastery Practical Solutions For Better Sleep - Apnea, Sleep Disorders, Sleep for Success, Book 1

Paperback (21 Jul 2015)

  • $15.21
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Publisher's Synopsis

Would ou like to know how Sleep Mastery can be a fun and interesting new look at how sleep can impact your life, your mind, and your body.? If you've struggled with sleep problems or disorders then this book can be for you. Or maybe you're just interested in living a longer, healthier and more present life. I think you're going to learn a thing or two. There are many causes for your inability to sleep. It could be just as simple as daily stresses, or we substitute sleep for more work or more play. Some may have medical or mental health conditions that wreak havoc with our sleep Here's a quick sampling of what you're going to discover: *Ok...First The Definition...What Is Insomnia? *Yes... But What Causes Insomnia? *The Secret Sauce To Improve Your Sleep *Herbs that will help you get a natural sleep *Diets... Do They Help You Sleep Better? *Finally Scientific Proof for Beauty Sleep Would You Like To Know More?

Book information

ISBN: 9781516970551
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 34
Weight: 77g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 2mm