Publisher's Synopsis
Every day we add another spoke to the wheel of our life. When we bring our full self, our complete insight to this awareness, we make the spokes stronger and we give our life greater determination and meaning. The first man or woman who invented the wheel changed the course of humanity. Where we had been beings with just two feet, we relied on and depended on, the ability to carry something less than one hundred pounds of baggage. With the wheel, all of a sudden new horizons were opened before us. It was the wheel that made the difference and allowed us to expand the reach of our existence and the fullness of our potential. Without the wheel we would never have been able to plant civilizations around the world as we have. Without the wheel we would never have been able to fly and lift ourselves into the air and move about with extraordinary speed and agility. The wheel has given us access to the heavens and has given us access to the depths of the earth. The wheel is truly a magical development in human history. Things would never be the same once the wheel came to be. We quickly learned that wheels have to have support and that their support must come from within the circle. Two things make up that strength, the axle and the spokes. A strong axle and many strong spokes make a wheel capable of carrying unlimited material. When the horizons of life open for us unlimited, mankind forges ahead with gusto. The one who invented the wheel was a poet, someone who looked at life and saw there something that no one had seen before. The vision that they saw made magic for the followers of that generation. Once the wheel had entered into the social structure of human nature everything had to change. No one can trace the actual development of the first wheel and probably that's not important. But we always will know that that one invention, like the invention of fire, has moved mankind ahead by leaps and bounds. Each day of our life is like a spoke in the wheel that turns round and round. Moving us forward, the spokes get stronger as we pay attention and reach out to them with love. The poems that follow are the spokes of life and they have the potential for making life an even greater gift.