Journey to the Ocean's End

Journey to the Ocean's End An Unofficial Minecrafters Graphic Novel for Fans of the Aquatic Update

eBook (19 Oct 2021)

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Paperback (16 Nov 2021) $15.09

Publisher's Synopsis

The fifth book in the S.Q.U.I.D. Squad graphic novel series for Minecrafters written by New York Times bestselling author Megan Miller. TheS.Q.U.I.D.Squad is made up of three bold children who are part of a secret, underwater society of Book Guardians. They combine their unique talents to solve mysteries, right wrongs, and explore the oceans! With their secret base discovered, the Book Guardians, bent on protecting their culture, must find a new headquarters far from the Pillagers.As they set out for the Ocean's End, a faraway, uncharted sea, a surprise Pillager attack splits the voyagers up. It is up to the stranded S.Q.U.I.D. Squad to save the library of ancient books that the Pillagers want to burn and find their way to their new base. A mysterious underwater witch sends them on a dangerous path through swimming skeletons and poisonous sea pickles, but the witch's magic spellsfrom super-fast swimming potions and endless invisi-foodmay cause more problems than they solve. With the fate of their community resting on their shoulders, Inky, Max, and Luke will use everything they've got to outsmart the Pillagers.

Book information

ISBN: 9781510765757
Imprint: Sky Pony Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Weight: -1g