Publisher's Synopsis
Most countries 'round the globe have at least one professional basketball league, and the smaller franchises may or may not be organized enough to get the paychecks actually into the players' hands every two weeks. Owner shenanigans notwithstanding, it is a real living wage, honestly earned, playing basketball and seeing the world.The fact that Dre Baldwin vaulted from a scrub amongst his high school peers to a recipient of some of these real-live basketball paychecks approaches the miraculous." - Miles Wray, McSweeny'sSince I started my website, along with all the YouTube videos, I have received many requests from players on playing pro basketball. And since the NBA has only so many positions, most of you know that overseas ball is a stronger possibility for you to continue your playing career, and it is: The NBA has 450 job positions while there are 10,000 players employed internationally (which includes Canada, Central and South America, which technically do not require going "over a sea" to get to, in case you cared). Over the years I have compiled several guides and tips for players on how to get their careers started, what to expect on the way and once they are in the door, and how to handle themselves with the on and off-court situations that come with it. Every guide comes from questions that players frequently ask me. This guidebook is a compilation of all those help & tips in one place for your quick and easy reference, which I will be updating over time as new questions come up and new information arises. If you take only one thing from this guidebook, know that professional basketball is a buyer's market: There are more candidates than there are jobs, so the people who do the hiring - the teams themselves - have the power. What this means for you is, you need to make yourself stand out. Make these coaches, agents, and managers remember you and want to know more. The Overseas Basketball Blueprint is exactly what you need to do that.