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All the Smoke

All the Smoke All the Stars, All the Stories, No Apologies

First Black Privilege Publishing/Atria Books hardcover edition

Hardback (08 Oct 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"For over two hundred critically acclaimed episodes, famously outspoken and controversial NBA icons Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson have comprehensively explored the lives and most pressing issues facing today's basketball players both on and off the court. Now, the two dive deeper into the 'riveting, absurdly profane, and often unexpectedly poignant' (Slate) podcast. From taking us behind the scenes of their greatest moments to eye-opening insights from their interviews with legends such as Shaquille O'Neal, Stephen Curry, Snoop Dogg, and more, All the Smoke is a fascinating, sharp, and essential read for new and longtime fans."--.

Book information

ISBN: 9781668048139
Publisher: Black Privilege Publishing/Atria
Imprint: Black Privilege Publishing/Atria
Pub date:
Edition: First Black Privilege Publishing/Atria Books hardcover edition
DEWEY: 796.323
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Weight: 1331g
Height: 276mm
Width: 213mm
Spine width: 28mm