Publisher's Synopsis
This book is about the Jews in the Final Part of the Days which begins on October 2015 and lasts for 10 years (Isa 2:2 JPS Tanakh): The Holy Scriptures say 'My Lord God does nothing without having revealed His purpose to His servants' (Amos 3:7). It is now time to see from the bible the events that are to take place in the Final Part of the Days. There will be - A world destruction of all organized religion: A gathering into a unity with the Messiah of millions of Jewish people whom the Messiah will preserve alive through the Great Tribulation that is to come upon all mankind: Among the millions of Jews will be a small remnant of some hundreds of Jewish men and women to be known as the Eliakim. They are chosen to rule as kings throughout the earth in the new administration of the Messiah: They are given the Key of the House of David (Isa 22:22). The Messiah will come in the Final Part of the Days to establish the Mount of the House of the Lord (Isa 2:2); he will gather the millions of Jewish people there along with millions of others; they will live there for a while in peace and security while the rest of the world is in turmoil and war; they will be cared for by the Eliakim Jewish Brothers and Sisters in fulfilment of the promise made to Abraham: About two years after the Mount of the House of the Lord is established, there will be further miraculous events: A long list of ancient Jewish worthies such as: - Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Isaac, Moses, Ruth, David, Solomon, Esther, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel etc. will be resurrected from the dead; they will become part of the Eliakim Jewish Brothers and Sisters to make up 144000 kings to rule mankind, under the greater David, the Messiah. After the Messiah has cleansed the earth of all that cause unrighteousness; including the entire Political, Religious, and corrupt commercial systems; and Satan the devil and his demon followers: Then the 144000 Eliakim kings will be spread throughout the earth with a base in the Mount of the House of the Lord. All the people of the earth will bless themselves by of Abraham's descendants (Gen22:18 JPS Tanakh). All of this is true prophecy foretold in the Holy Scriptures. This book is no part of any religion, it is purely for information only. There are many other related events to occur during the ten year period of the Final Part of the Days that are accurately foretold in great detail in the Holy Scriptures, these also will be fulfilled. THESE ARE THE MOST EXCITING TIMES SINCE THE CREATION OF MANKIND.