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Configuration Blueprints for Dynamics Ax 2012

Configuration Blueprints for Dynamics Ax 2012

Paperback (26 Feb 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Once you have mastered the core functions within Dynamics AX like Order To Cash, Procure To Pay, or Production you don't need to stop looking for things to do. Your journey has just begun because you now have the foundation for some even more exciting features, and they aren't very hard to configure either. The big hurdle is to know what you can do, and also how to get there. This book is aimed to demystify some of the additional features within Dynamics AX that you may want to configure and start using, and will show you how to: Create configured products Improve costing analysis through costing sheets Use lean manufacturing processes to streamline productions Manage service jobs through service management Streamline the vendor onboarding process through the Vendor Portal Track vendor performance and scorecards Create retail stores and use POS registers

Book information

ISBN: 9781496093097
Publisher: On Demand Publishing, LLC-Create Space
Imprint: Createspace
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 372
Weight: 639g
Height: 235mm
Width: 191mm
Spine width: 20mm