Publisher's Synopsis
In the mid 1930's, handsome Garth Matthews meets the beautiful Hallie Pipes and both fall in love, elope, and plan to live happily ever after - their fairy tale. However, the young man, born into a struggling, uneducated Georgia family with a father who is a textile worker, vows he will never experience his parents' poverty. He soon learns his limited education, along with the war situation, destroys his promise made to the daughter of a wealthy family of untouchable confidence. Hallie Matthews fights to survive and hold her family together as she patiently waits for her husband to return home time after time. Tears fall on Hallie's pillow as she faithfully prays God will answer her repeated prayers. Will the restless man choose his family or seek an easier life to better suit his needs, forever freeing him from the responsibilities he fears most? Author Jeanie Cline will intrigue you with her story of war and romance, as she unfolds the incidents of the Two Rooms that affect the future of the Matthews family. The heart-provoking moments will captivate you with amazement as you quickly turn to the next chapter of this suspenseful novel.