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My Wife Has Multiple Sclerosis

My Wife Has Multiple Sclerosis What Do I Do Now?

Paperback (16 Oct 2015)

  • $14.64
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Publisher's Synopsis

After battling chronic fatigue while still working full-time for four years, Martha Rogers finally obtains her diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis, but only after a harrowing onset of Optic Neuritis and an initial diagnosis of a possible brain tumor. The MRI reveals early stage multiple sclerosis. She and her husband Hank, embark on an exciting journey to discover the "new normal" for life. Martha becomes an advocate for MS, raises over forty-thousand dollars for MS through Challenge Walks and testifies before the FDA to re-release Tysabri, the drug she depends on for a decent quality of life. Learn how Hank copes with his wife having MS and how he takes on the role of caregiver, chef and therapist. This book is approximately 51,070 words. Get inspired and help Fight MS today! 50% of all profits from the sale of this book are donated to the National MS Society.

Book information

ISBN: 9781491082218
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Imprint: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 212
Weight: 290g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 11mm