Publisher's Synopsis
Ask any parent and they'll tell you that the death of a child is the single worst event that can happen to a parent. Jackie Hance, mother of three vibrant, lovely little girls--Emma (8), Alyson (7), and Katie (5)--would have said the same. Jackie's sister-in-law, Diane Schuler, took her two children and the three Hance girls on a weekend camping trip just a couple hours away. But on the ride back from the trip, Jackie received a horrific phone call from her eldest daughter, Emma, whose last words to her mother were, "Something's wrong with Aunt Diane." Diane Schuler drove the wrong way on the Taconic State Parkway, killing herself, her daughter, three men in another car, and all three of Jackie Hance's darling daughters.A year after the tragic death of her daughters, Jackie and her husband Warren, both still deep in the throes of grief, accepted the services of an IVF specialist and became pregnant with her fourth child--a daughter they named Kasey. Terrified of loss, Jackie found herself on the edge of insanity during her pregnancy, but has managed to move cautiously forward.