Publisher's Synopsis
Obesity is a global and national epidemic. Though the known causse of obesity include inadequate body activity and poor diet, the public discuss on this issue never includes computer use an activity that is sedentary, addictive and that has an effect on diet and in fact every aspect of a computer user's life. Adetutu seeks to shake everyone out of this self denial and provide information to help all computer users in making informed decision on how to establish non self destructive computer use. Adetutu Ijose shows the reader how computer use is a contributory factor to the growing obesity trend and provides answers to the question - what do we do to reverse the trend. Computer use is sedentary in nature and indispensable to the modern way of life. It comes with a cost that must be weighed and considered when making health related choices in today's world as many of the issues we face can be linked in part to its effect on health. Aetutu provides practical preventive and management solutions for both adult and childhood obesity. This book is a must read as all her other books are for all computer users who want to remain healthy in today's world.