Be the Best Bad Presenter Ever

Be the Best Bad Presenter Ever Break the Rules, Make Mistakes, and Win Them Over

Large type / large print edition

Paperback (13 May 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

If you're like most people, the phrase ''You'll be giving a presentation'' is on a par with ''It looks like that molar will have to come out.'' Well, let's be honest: you'd prefer the surgery, wouldn't you? One reason most people regard public speaking as a nightmare is that they have to be ''perfect.'' They drive themselves crazy trying to conform to all sorts of handed - down rules that tie them up in knots and put their audiences to sleep. But Karen Hough knows that by throwing out those rules, relaxing, being yourself, and even making ''mistakes,'' you'll connect with your audience much more effectively than the guy with the impeccable PowerPoint presentation. Hough has used her unique approach to take the anxiety out of one of the greatest fears in business. It's authenticity and passion that win people over, she says, not polish. It's why people trust vlogs more than commercials and user reviews more than ads. But you can't be

Book information

ISBN: 9781459677685
Publisher: ReadHowYouWant
Imprint: Read How You Want
Pub date:
Edition: Large type / large print edition
Language: English
Number of pages: 204
Weight: -1g