Publisher's Synopsis
Part 2 Available here: absolutely unique book contains 355 superb full-size photographs (Part 1 has 204 and Part 2 has 151) which document life on the flight deck of a fleet WWII aircraft carrier where the Airdale (flight deck crewman) goes in harms way each and every day, such as during aircraft launch operations (among the slashing 13-foot diameter propellers powered by 2,000-hp engines), during aircraft landings (putting out conflagrations from possible aircraft crashes) and during the parking of aircraft (when standing but a few feet from a possible hail of shrapnel).Then one should not omit the devastation of possible Kamikaze (suicide) assaults from above. Each of the 355 photo(s) has a fulsome caption, in the first-person, describing in detail, both subjectively and objectively, the contents of the picture. Many, many of the photos are deserving of being shown in their own frames of wood or displayed on large TV screens (the naval photographer mates who took these pictures are indeed outstanding craftmen). Finally, this book (Parts 1 & 2) is quite literally one of a kind for ALL time (being the first, and the last, one EVER written about this subject (in the 1st person).