Publisher's Synopsis
THE MAN, THE DESERT takes place in the first three worlds of Hopi Prophecy. In the First World, a 29-year-old white man (Vladimir) lands in Phoenix, Arizona with a woman (Rose) whom he'd picked up on the road. Vladimir begins working as a Reproduction Specialist for the U.S. Geological Survey. His supervisor at the U.S.G.S. is a Navajo-Hopi man (Max) who both intrigues and infuriates Vladimir because of his seeming lack of knowledge or concern about what their surveying data are being used for. Before Vladimir can figure out what's going on, Max disappears. In The Second World, Max begins a sojourn of several months' duration, living in a tent on the desert, after his sudden departure from the U.S.G.S. The Second World explores the history of Max--and of all of us--from a tribal consciousness through our modern "civilization" into a future where we become once again our authentic divine and natural selves. The Third World is revealed by Rose, who up to this point has spoken no more than a few monosyllables and is largely a mystery, especially to Vladimir. She doesn't provide facts and history to understand her, but provokes our imaginations and intuition to move us toward wisdom rather than knowledge, not only about her but about all that is inexpressible and unknowable. As we move through the Worlds of THE MAN, THE DESERT, we proceed toward the salvation that may be found in a reconnection or re-emergence of our primal, intuitive humanness and recognition of the balance necessary to survive as individuals and as caretakers of the earth.