Publisher's Synopsis
"The Girl, The Star and The Spider" is a simple, enchanting tale that conjures a thread of magic and meaning to comfort those dealing with the devastating illness of Alzheimer's Disease, AD. It gives an amazingly accurate picture of the beginning and progression of AD and other dementias. The book reminds us that suffering and loss at the end of life are often part of a larger life story for each of us and that the strength, power and essence of a love shared lives on. The book also includes Questions for Reflection, which can help facilitate comfortable conversation at a difficult time and a list of organizations and websites that many will find valuable. "The Girl, The Star, and The Spider is a fairytale for grownups. In the words of Friederich Schiller (1759-1805), "Deeper meaning resides in the fairy tales told to me in my childhood than in any truth that is taught in life." May each reader be blessed with comfort.