Publisher's Synopsis
See below for English description.
Basile est de retour pour une toute nouvelle mission. C'est maintenant ? son tour d'entra?ner un cadet de l'espace, une responsabilit? qu'il prend tr's au s?rieux. Or lorsque la recrue se pr?sente, il ne s'agit pas du tout d'un chaton, mais d'un chiot ?nerv? et pas trop fut?...
Binky is back for a whole new mission - it is now his turn to train his own space cadet - a responsibilty he takes very seriously. But when his recruit shows up, it turns out he's no kitten at all! He is a rambunctious and maybe none-too-bright pupy called Gordie. Binky's appalled, but it turns out that F.U.R.S.T. (Felines of the Universe Ready for Space Travel) has created a new diversity program. They are now called P.U.R.S.T. (Pets of the Univers Ready for Space Travel)!
Original title: Binky Takes Charge