Erwin McManus 2-In-1 (Soul Cravings and Barbarian Way)

Erwin McManus 2-In-1 (Soul Cravings and Barbarian Way) Two Powerful Classics in One Volume

eBook (21 May 2011)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A collection of two titles authored by Erwin McManus.BARBARIAN WAY: Erwin McManus wasn't raised in a Christian home, so when he came to Christ as a college student, he didn't know the rules of the "religious club." He didn't do well in Shakespeare courses, so he didn't really understand the KJV Bible he was given either. But he did understand that prayer was a conversation, and he learned to talk to God and wait for answers. Erwin's way was passionate and rough around the edges-a sincere, barbaric journey to Christ.SOUL CRAVINGS: We can spend our whole lives trying to satisfy the one insatiable part of our being, our soul craving. Our capacity for spiritual experience both proves our need for something greater than ourselves and leaves us wanting when we fill it with anything but God.Soul Cravings is a powerful, down-to-earth exposition that interprets our need for intimacy, meaning, and destiny as common sense apologetics pointing to the existence of and our need for God. The book will deeply stir the reader to consider and chase after the spiritual implications of their soul's deepest longings.

Book information

ISBN: 9781418589929
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Imprint: Thomas Nelson
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 416
Weight: -1g