Pre-Revolutionary America (1763-1776) (SparkNotes History Note)

Pre-Revolutionary America (1763-1776) (SparkNotes History Note)

eBook (12 Aug 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Pre-Revolutionary America (1763-1776) (SparkNotes History Note) Making the reading experience fun! SparkNotes History Guides help students strengthen their grasp of history by focusing on individual eras or episodes in U.S. or world history. Breaking history up into digestible lessons, the History Guides make it easier for students to see how events, figures, movements, and trends interrelate. SparkNotes History Guides are perfect for high school and college history classes, for students studying for History AP Test or SAT Subject Tests, and simply as general reference tools.Each note contains a general overview of historical context, a concise summary of events, lists of key people and terms, in-depth summary and analysis with timelines, study questions and suggested essay topics, and a 50-question review quiz.

Book information

ISBN: 9781411472846
Imprint: Spark
Pub date:
Language: English
Weight: -1g