Kings of Oak Springs

Kings of Oak Springs Aug 1877 Thru 1881 - Vol. 3

eBook (13 Jun 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Volume 3 of "The Kings of Oak Springs" ebooks is a compilation of Episodes OS1-20 of "The Life in Oak Springs" series of stories that immediate followed, chronologically, the first 40 episodes of "The Kings of Oak Springs" series of family saga, historical fiction stories that are a part of "The Homeplace Saga" stories (Vol. 1 & Vol. 2). Originally published on HubPages, on line, this compilation as an eBook makes the stories more easily accessible to a wider reader base. Volume 3 is distinctive in that it takes a broader view of the life in and growth of Oak Springs than just the King family viewpoint. Also, it is actually a month by month chronology of the growth of the community. Here, we really get to see a small town community grow, have growing pains, and prosper through good times as well as difficult times during these months and years. We hope you will be able to identify with some of the good folks in Oak Springs as you explore your own family history.

Book information

ISBN: 9781365190278
Pub date:
Language: English
Weight: -1g