Publisher's Synopsis
MindTap Management for Kuratko's Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, and Practice, 10th Edition helps you learn on your terms. INSTANT ACCESS IN YOUR POCKET. Take advantage of the MindTap Mobile App. Read or listen to the text and study using instructor notifications, flashcards, and practice quizzes. MINDTAP HELPS YOU GEAR UP FOR ULTIMATE SUCCESS. All activities are written by "Dr. K," as author Dr. Donald Kuratko's students call him, and are designed for you to experience his famous "Spine Sweat" firsthand. Implement Design Methodology, the Lean Start Up Methodology, and the Business Model Canvas in this exclusive learning suite help you understand the most contemporary methods in today's marketplace. Even track scores so you know where to focus efforts. MINDTAP HELPS MAKE THE TEXTBOOK YOURS. No one knows what works for you better than you. Highlight key text, add notes, and create custom flashcards to gather into a study guide.