Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1645 Excerpt: fenfe and frequent experiences, much and multiplied back-, flidings are forgiven. bjedJ.i. Bt ttftifaatio- i one indiv'rfible i of Grace.par-9/ Idoning 4#/?-/, foft, prefetit and to come.and is net a fuccefiive p p_ and continued aff iaprtgrtflit alwayei fach its is (tntttficAtitn 'ent, and to for e are tot oncejuftified. I anfwer by thcfe following Af-p"j0'njc fcrtions: .-. "i injuftific. dffer. i. There is a double Notion of jufttrkation, ss Ader.ii D. Abbot teacketh us: There is a umverfall, and properly D-.'- b called, juftification: There is a partiall, and unpropcrly tribc; '., 'e fo called, juftification: or, give me leave to fay: There is mm//. j- ajtiftificationoftheperfon, oftheftate-, or a juftification ft't'tf repeated, or rather a reiterated remiiuon: I doubt if it he Z 'called called a juftification. The former juftification doth inr- Tne Aftof Atonement, made by Chrift on the iufti CrofTe, for all the fins of all the Eledb of God pat, prcfent, an to come ' K Aft s not "e bekeving-nor afc we properly juftified in regard of this A5t.But,2.There is a jufar ftification formal, of which Pattl fpeaketh,5--.3.- A.and not G1-334 5-Chsfccrs, -which goeth along in order of many. caufc, time, and a required condition of apprehending Cbrijfs righteoufneflFe: and this juftification of the pcrfbn, while he beleevetfa, is but once done, and that when the bekeverdoth firft lay hold on Cr/y?and righteoufnefTc, imputed in his blood Th-c is 3.A remifllon, and taking away of fin: Now according to thefe are we to confiderof doing away fin, ina threefold Notion-, for though juftification effcntiaHy include remiflSon & pardon of fin, yet every remiffiondoth not include juftificarioni property fo..."