Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1916 Excerpt: ...oi nearly white complexion, resembling the child in this respect. In this case the coincidences persuade me that the relator is the mother of this child." GENEALOGICAL RECORD OFFICE. Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, chairman of the Board of Scientific Directors of the Eugenics Record Office, is one of the first in this country to have made scientific studies on heredity. Some two years ago he founded the Genealogical Record Office for the study of longevity. Miss Louise E. Lacey has acted as secretary of this office from the start. Something over 8,000 names are on record of persons who have passed 90 years of age and 500 more are over 100 years old. It is found that those who live to a great age have had a high fecundity and this is associated with the fact that they belong mostly to humble walks of life and are not cursed with too much ambition and drive. The most striking fact about these old people is that they belong to families characterized by longevity. DR. MEYER ON HEREDITY. Eminently well judged and fit words are written by Dr. Adolf Meyer, of Johns Hopkins Hospital, in the "Survey" for June 3 under the title "The Right to Marry." It is an appeal to face the facts of heredity--unfortunate heredity--like facts of natural history, like the facts of curly hair or blue eyes. We admit some traits freely but foolishly hide others, though we are in no sense responsible for them. He says also, "Let us not indulge in vague notions about heredity. If you want the facts, let some one work up your family records as we have worked up those described in this paper. It will not do to go to a physician and ask: What do you think of heredity? But you must say: I want somebody put on the job of getting my family record worked out; and then I...