Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1901 edition. Excerpt: ...20. This Actto Apply Only to Fra ternal Beneficiary Associ-ations. An Act for the Regulation and Incorporation of Fraternal Beneficiary Associations, Societies or Orders, and Repealing All Acts and Parts of Acts in Conflict Therewith. Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Oklahoma: Section 1. A fraternal beneficiary association is Beneficiary hereby declared to be a corporation, society or volun-Defined;118 tary association, formed or organized and carried on conducing, for the sole benefit of its members and their beneficiaries, and not for profit. Each association shall have a lodge system, with ritualistic form of work and representative form of government, and shall make provision for the payment of benefits in case of death, and may make provision for the payment of benefits in case of sickness, temporary or permanent physical disability, either as a result of disease, accident or old age, provided the period of life at which the payment of physical disability benefits on account of old age commenced shall not be under seventy (70) years. All subject to the compliance of its members with its constitution and by-laws. The fund from which the expenses of such an association shall be defrayed, shall be derived from assessments or dues collected from its members. Payment of death benefits shall be to the families, heirs, blood relatives, affianced husband or affianced wife of, or to persons dependent upon the member. Such associations shall be governed by this Act and shall be exempt from the provisions of the insurance laws of this Territory, except as provided in this Act, and no law hereafter passed shall apply to them unless they be expressly designated therein. Any such fraternal beneficiary association may...