Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1883 edition. Excerpt: recorded on a tombstone in the parish church of St. Nicholas, Brighton, as is shown by the following singular inscription: --In memory of Phebe Hessel, Who was born at Stepney in the year 1713. She served for many years As a Private Soldier in the 5th Regiment of Foot, In different parts of Europe, And in the year 1745 fought under the Command Of the Duke of Cumberland At the Battle of Fontenoy, Where she received a Bayonet Wound in the Arm. Her long life, which commenced in the time of Queen Anne, Extended to the reign of George IV., By whose munificence she received comfort And support in her latter years. She died at Brighton, where she long resided, December 12th, 1821, aged 108 years. George the IV. allowed this aged veteran a pension of half a guinea a week, which she enjoyed for many years. The following is a list of all the battles of importance that have been fought on land by the British Army since 1757, showing the Eegiments that fought them, the date on which they were fought, and the number of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and men that fell dead or wounded in each. The writer haa had no little trouble in collecting this information; they will be found in alphabetical order up to 1880. UBT OF BATTLES. 185 "o.Ssa2saS3S ifjfll llosS-s 8l l S 1? "2 _, m &-rl S S a '.S?.i'i8 zno no n-'j oq& U;mh pan 0 t cO SO S 0O O 8 B 5 1 Begimeuts that fought the Battles.1st, 1Gh, 38th, 41st, erth, 45th, 47th, sath, 87th, 89th, 102nd. and a number of Begimeuts both Hos, e and Foot from India (Natives). 23rd, 42nd, and Bifle Brigade, and West India Begiments, 4th. 5th, 7th, 23rd, 27th, 30th, 38th, 40th, 43rd, erth, 45th, 48th, 52nd, 60th, 74th, 77th, 63rd, 88th, old 95th, and a number of Spaniards and Portuguese. 4Dr and..."