Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1864 edition. Excerpt: ... CHAPTER XVII. OUT-OF-THE-WAY SPOTS. Old Karntcn again--Friesach and its Castles-- St. Veit, the old Court City--Hoch Osterwitz--The Zollfrld and the Herzogstuhl--Virunum -The Maria Saal--Klagenfuri-Tbe Loibl Valleys--Villaoh and the Lamlxkron--Night Awcnt of the Dubralsrh--The View at Sunrise --Last Visit to thn Wulfenia-- Passage of the 'Kirechbaumer'--The Ltsmtch Thai and Legend of Lukau--The St'xtrn Dolomites--Tai Cadoro--Excursion to Brags -- Furno and Signor Curcenu--Uolluno --Feltre and Primicro. Once more to Old Karnten. People wondered at our pertinacity, --that year after year we should take the same route, and now again, in 1863, should be off as usual to our Dolomites. But the Clmrchills must needs make captive the beautiful Wulfenia that had twice eluded them, so they started early, not to fail a third time; and we that remained, could not rest long contented, as we heard of glorious days in the Gail Thal; of Fran Claus's hospitable welcome at Auf der Pleckeu; of Tarvis, and the worthy Gelbfu>s; and of new researches among the Karavanken. I5y the end of July we were en route to join them, and to cover as much fresh ground as possible, entered Kiirnten for this, the fourth time, at quite a different point. From Ischl, travelling on the romantic high road through Styria as far as Rottenmann, and then over the Rottenmanner Tauern to Unzmarkt in the Mur Thal, we crossed into Karnten at Neumarkt, and within the venerable walls of Friesach, once more met our friends. We purpose in this chapter to pick up a few dropped threads, and to disclose two or three more secrets of the Dolomites. To be frank, we have hesitated whether we should not keep these to ourselves. We have told of Ratzes, and Caprile, of Auf der..."