Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1908 edition. Excerpt: ... ADDENDUM TO PREVIOUS VOLUME Richard Fursland And Thomas Brockedon At Batavia TO THE SURAT FACTORY OCTOBER 8, 1621 (Factory Records, Surat, vol. cii. p. 158). Wrote last on July 9, by way of Masulipatam, sending a list of goods required for the settlements under their authority. Now forward a second copy, and request that the commodities specified may be sent to them direct, as much time is lost by the ship going first to Achin. Complain that the Dutch have much later news from Surat than they, and beg for more frequent advices. State of affairs in the Moluccas and other places. Arrival of the Royal Anne from England; the Fortune and Lesser James are also expected. The first-named brought no money, and unless succeeding vessels are better furnished their situation will be critical. The Company appears to imagine that they will be amply supplied from the restitutions to be made by the Dutch, but the latter have raised difficulties which must be referred to Europe, and in the meantime will part with nothing. A joint fleet fitted out to cruise against the Portuguese on the Malabar Coast. Have instructed the leaders to make prize of vessels belonging to Dabhol, &c. Request a regular supply of meal and butter, and any provisions that can be spared from the ships destined for England. Regret that they cannot send a ship to Surat with spices this year, but will do so as soon as they can. Hope to dispatch the Charles to England within a month, and another ship shortly after. The Lesser James has now arrived. Enclosed: A list of cotton, &c, goods required for Java and the Moluccas. (Copy. 7 pp.) INDEX Aban ilaht, 306; term explained, 36 n. Abbas. See Persia, Shah of. Abbasl, value of, 186. Abbot, Morris, 178; jewels sold on his account, 178;...