Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1818 edition. Excerpt: ... A full and correct account of the military occurrences of the late war between Great Britain and the United States of America William James TO LIEUT-COLONEL JOHN HARVEY, C.B. DEPUTY-ADJUTANT-GENERAL OF HIS MAJESTY'S FORCES IN THE CAN AD AS; WHO, BESIDES DISTINGUISHING HIMSELF ON SEVERAL OTHER OCCASIONS, DURING THE LATE AMERICAN WAR, DID, AT MIDNIGHT, ON THE FIFTH OF JUNE, 1813, LEAD THE ADVANCE OF AN ATTACK, PLANNED BY HIMSELF, IN WHICH SEvEN HUNDRED AND JOUR BRITISH SURPRISED, AND, AFTER A SHORT STRUGGLE, DROVE FROM THEIR FORTIFIED ENCAMPMENT, NEAR STONEY CREEK, IN UPPER CANADA, THREE THOUSAND FIvE HUNDRED AMERICANS: AN EXPLOIT WHICH TENDED, IN A HIGH DEGREE, TO THE SAFETY OF TWO vALUABLE BRITISH PROVINCES; THIS WORK IS MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BY THE AUTHOR. Broke, sir Philip Bowes Vere, bart. captain R. N. and K.C.B. 3 copies., lieutenant-colonel sir Charles, K.C.B. ., major, 58th foot. Brown, John, esq. Bowdery and Kerby, Messrs. 6 copies. Brace, Edward, esq. captain R.N. and C.B. C. i Campbell, John, esq. Canterbury, his grace, the lord archbiship of. Carter, J. esq. Chambers, S. esq. Christie, captain Brath. 5th dragoons guards. Cockburn, rear-admiral sir George, K.C.B. Cole, sir Christopher, captain R.N. K.C.B. and M.P. Collins, Enos, esq. Halifax, Nova Scotia. and Allison, messrs. ditto. 30 copies. Cradock, general sir John F. G.C.B. and K.C. Clarke, Thomas, esq. Upper Canada. Clinton, W. B. esq. D. Davis, Thomas, esq. Dennis, major, 49th foot. Digby, Stephen Thomas, esq. captain R.N. Donaldson, J. esq. Drummond, John, junior, esq. Eaton, Mr. George, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 25 copies. Ellis, John, esq. Eppes, William J. esq. F. Fisher, William, esq., captain. Fitton, Michael, esq. Forbes, John, es