Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1855 edition. Excerpt: hereby made capable of taking and holding real estate under the will of her husband, or of any person capable of devising any real estate, and she is hereby declared to be, and is hereby made capable of executing any and every power in respect to the real estate devised to her, and which may lawfully be created, the same as if she were a citizen of the United States, same ch. 7. Marriage settlements Sec. 40. Every woman being an alien and resident of this State is hereby declared to be, and is made capable of taking any and every beneficial interest or estate in any lands or real estate within this State, which has been or may be created in her favor, or for her benefit in any marriage settlement, or in any will or devise made by her husband, or of any person capable of devising real estate, subject to all the provisions of law, regulating the creation of uses and trusts-same ch. 8. Former devises Sec. 41. E very grant, devise, demise, lease or mortgage iens, confirmed. of any lands within this State, heretofore made and exe cuted in due form of law by an alien to any citizen of this State, or to any resident alien capable of taking and holding any real estate or any beneficial interest therein within this State, or which may hereafter be made and executed by any resident alien capable of taking and holding real estate within this State, to any citizen of this State, or to any resident alien capable of taking or holding real estate, or any beneficial interest therein, and all rents reserved or hereafter reserved on any such lease or demise, and all lawful covenants and conditions in any such lease or demise, are hereby confirmed, and shall be deemed and taken to be, as valid and effectual as if made by and between..."