Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1919 edition. Excerpt: ... uel G. McGaffin. The attending physicians and surgeons are: John Archibald, John W. Ross, Henry B. Gillen, James H. Mitchell, John F. McGarrahan, Edward M. Bell, Matthew J. Keough. The superintendent is Miss Anna F. Coon. Thanksgiving Hospital, Cooperstown.--The foundation of this institution dates back more than half a century. It was incorporated as the Thanksgiving Hospital of Otsego county, October 12, 1868, its name being changed July 1, 1891, to its present title. From a small beginning the hospital has increased in importance. INDEX (Small Soman numerals indicate volumes i, ii, iii.) Academy of Medicine, iii-684. American Philosophical Society, ii- 326. Anatomical Material, Quest of, in New Tork, ii-378: English and Italian dissections, 379; First dissection in New Tork, 381; Regulations, 386; Graves robbed, 388; Experiences of Dr. Valentine Mott, 388; O'Brien's skeleton, "Burking," 390. Anderson, Alexander; Pioneer wood engraver, ii-840. Antitoxin introduced, i-288 Bard, John, i-49; Quarantine physi- cian in New Tork, 50; First presi- dent of Medical Society of New Tork, 50. Bard, Samuel; Physician to George Washington, i-51; Published articles on diphtheria, medical education, and "A Compendium of the Theory and Practice of Midwifery," 61. Barker, Fordyce, i-205. Bayley, Richard, i-63; One of first to ride to patients, 54; Professorship, 54; Affidavit of dissection, ii-384. Beard, George M.; Application of elec- tricity to medicine and surgery; Founder of Archives of Electrology and Neurology, i-225. Beaumont, William, i-158; Assistant surgeon in War of 1812, army sur- geon at Fort Mackinee, 158; Case of Alex. St. Martin, 158; Writings, 158. Beck, J. Brodhead; "Essays on Infant Therapeutics," i-216. Beck, Theodore R., i-220;...